Results for 'Martha Bringuier Pelaez'

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  1.  72
    La intervención psicosocial en un contexto investigativo: "Lecturas psico-sociales sobre jóvenes agrópolis - sector rural - desde diversos actores que los intervienen".Martha Patricia Peláez Romero, Oscar Enrique Cañon Ortiz & Nestor Mario Noreña Noreña - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 25:191-201.
    En el presente documento se c onceptualiza la intervención d esde diferentes acepciones, siendo el sentido psicosocial de la intervención , la opción de sus autores. Lo s avances conceptuales sobre int ervención psicosocial reflexio nan sobre los "planes de desarrollo" municipales colombianos, en co..
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    A behavior-analytic developmental model is better.Gary Novak & Martha Peláez - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):466-468.
    Behaviorists accept, but go beyond, Williams' notion that there is an evolutionary origin to some unlearned pain behaviors. A behavior-analytic developmental model is a better fit for explaining the totality of pain behaviors. This model focuses on respondent-operant interactions and views much pain behavior as “mands” (i.e., demands). Behaviorally based explanations from the crying and social referencing literature support this model.
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    Default theories that always have extensions.Christos H. Papadimitriou & Martha Sideri - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 69 (1-2):347-357.
  4. The reader's response and why it matters in biomedical ethics.Charles Anderson & Martha Montello - 2002 - In Rita Charon & Martha Montello (eds.), Stories matter: the role of narrative in medical ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 85--94.
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    Legal Notes: Is There a Place for Lawyers on Ethics Committees? A View from the Inside.Suzanne M. Mitchell & Martha S. Swartz - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (2):32.
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    A pragmatic reconstruction of the naturalism/anti-naturalism debate.William M. Throop & Martha L. Knight - 1987 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 17 (1):93–112.
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    A Christian Ordo?Martha Moore-Keish - 2010 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 64 (3):246-256.
    “Ordo,” as it has come to be used, suggests the basic structure of Christian worship that centers on table, font, and pulpit, and the shape of Christian living that flows from these centers. It is a commitment to that which grounds and guides our lives in the world.
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  8. Ruth 2.Martha L. Moore-Keish - 2010 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 64 (2):174-176.
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    Does the hand reflect implicit knowledge? Yes and no.Susan Goldin-Meadow & Martha Wagner Alibali - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):766-767.
    Gesture does not have a fixed position in the Dienes & Perner framework. Its status depends on the way knowledge is expressed. Knowledge reflected in gesture can be fully implicit (neither factuality nor predication is explicit) if the goal is simply to move a pointing hand to a target. Knowledge reflected in gesture can be explicit (both factuality and predication are explicit) if the goal is to indicate an object. However, gesture is not restricted to these two extreme positions. When (...)
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    Social Networking Sites and Youth Transition: The Use of Facebook and Personal Well-Being of Social Work Young Graduates.Joaquin Castillo de Mesa, Luis Gómez-Jacinto, Antonio López Peláez & Amaya Erro-Garcés - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Commentary on Mourelatos.Martha Nussbaum - 1986 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 2 (1):195-207.
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    Book review: Worship as Meaning: A Liturgical Theology for Late ModernityCambridge Studies in Christian Doctrine. [REVIEW]Martha Moore-Keish - 2005 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 59 (1):106-106.
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  13. Y.C. James Yen's thought on mass education and rural reconstruction: China and beyond: selected papers from an international conference held in Shijiazhuang, China, May 27-June 1, 1990.James P. Grant & Martha McKee Keehn (eds.) - 1993 - New York, N.Y.: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.
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  14. Interview - Martha Nussbaum.Martha Nussbaum - 2008 - The Philosophers' Magazine 40 (40):51-54.
    Martha Nussbuam is one of the most prolific and original philosophers working today. Influenced by ancient philosophy, she has written on the relationship between fiction, the emotions and moral reasoning. With Amartya Sen she developed the capabilities approach to human well-being, which helped shape the UN’s Human Development Index. She is Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago.
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    Martha Jacobs replies.Martha Jacobs - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (4):5-5.
  16. Martha Nussbaum Interview.Martha Nussbaum & James Garvey - 2011 - The Philosophers' Magazine 52:21-30.
    “Philosophy is constitutive of good citizenship. It becomes part of what you are when you are a good citizen – a thoughtful person. Philosophy has manyroles. It can be just fun, a game that you play. It can be a way you try to approach your own death or illness, or that of a family member. I’m just focusing on the place where I think I can win over people, and say ‘Look here, you do care about democracy don’t you? (...)
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    Desalambrando: A Nasa Standpoint for Liberation.Susana E. Matallana-Peláez - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (1):75-96.
    This article examines the Nasa peoples’ resistance praxis known as “Desalambrar”. Through the analysis of Nasayuwe language, textile art, and ritual dance, the article looks at the idea of ontological continuum at the heart of this praxis, exploring how this concept provides the Nasa with a philosophical standpoint for what they have called “the liberation of Mother Earth”. The article then examines how this idea challenges the Eurocentric divide between Man and Nature/Woman and what it can possibly mean for women, (...)
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    From Gender to Omeotlization: Toward a Decolonial Ontology.Susana E. Matallana-Peláez - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):373-392.
    This article examines the treatment of gender and the woman question in the ongoing Latin American decolonial debate. More specifically, it traces how the Zapatistas and other indigenous movements as well as some of the main mestizo male voices in this debate have endeavored to frame these issues and the criticism they have received from María Lugones and other decolonial feminists. It then points to some of the limitations in Lugones's own approach, and in a final stream of discussion, it (...)
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  19.  8
    On the notion of thermophoretic velocity.E. Bringuier - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (6):873-883.
  20.  19
    Espacio, movimiento y contenido no conceptual en la filosofía de la experiencia de Kant.Álvaro Peláez Cedrés - 2013 - Signos Filosóficos 15 (30):45-69.
    En un pasaje famoso, Kant dijo que "los pensamientos sin contenido son vacíos, las intuiciones sin conceptos son ciegas", lo cual ha dado lugar -de la mano de filósofos y exégetas clásicos y contemporáneos como McDowell- a la idea de que los estados mentales que Kant denomina intuiciones poseen ya un contenido conceptual. En este artículo se propone una lectura que hace énfasis en la independencia o separabilidad de intuiciones y conceptos, y cómo las primeras constituyen un tipo de cognición (...)
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    An atomic scale characterization of coupled grain boundary motion in silicon bicrystals.Stefan Bringuier, Venkateswara Rao Manga, Keith Runge, Pierre Deymier & Krishna Muralidharan - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (36):4118-4129.
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    Connection between thermophoresis and thermodiffusion in a liquid binary mixture.E. Bringuier - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (11):1653-1664.
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  23.  25
    Psychoeducational guidance for children and teenagers with dentalmaxillofacial anomalies in the training process of stomatologists.Soledad Yanedy García Peláez & Silvia Colunga Santos - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (3):444-453.
    La formación profesional tiene un carácter contextualizado que responde a las exigencias que la época, la sociedad y el país reclaman a las universidades. La Estomatología en Cuba no se encuentra al margen de estos preceptos por lo que desarrolla un plan de estudio que acentúa la flexibilidad para realizar modificaciones necesarias y pertinentes. El estudiante al culminar la carrera debe brindar una atención estomatológica integral donde las anomalías dentomaxilofaciales constituyen la tercera línea de trabajo. Estas ocasionan afectaciones estéticas que (...)
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    Psychological impact of dentomaxillofacial anomalies and orthodontic treatment in children and adolescents.Soledad Y. García Peláez, Mayelín Soler Herrera, Silvia Colunga Santos, Ledia Martín Zaldívar & Soleibys García Peláez - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):246-257.
    En la actualidad se habla de la anomalía dentomaxilofacial como una enfermedad inherente a la civilización, cuya prevalencia varia en las distintas partes del mundo, el alto índice se relaciona a la heterogeneidad genética. Estas anomalías tienen una etiología multifactorial donde intervienen diversos factores internos o externos, que provocan variabilidad en su forma de presentación; cada una tiene características muy particulares y diversos grados de complejidad a la hora de ser tratadas, sin embargo poseen un aspecto común, afectan por lo (...)
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  25.  14
    Un solo Dios, un solo Cristo, caminos convergentes. La propuesta cristológica de Jacques Dupuis.Rubén García Peláez - 2015 - Salmanticensis 62 (2):211-257.
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    Voices and Echoes of Early Greek Philosophy.María-Elena García-Peláez & David Lévystone (eds.) - 2025 - De Gruyter.
    The seventeen contributions constituting this edited volume focus on archaic Greek thought — Presocratics broadly understood, including Sophists, Archaic poets, or Tragedians — and its multiform reception, use or appropriation through times and lands. -/- The first chapters deal with the direct reconstruction and understanding of early Greek thought, from the very first philosophical writings to the last Presocratic philosopher. By alternating discussions of editorial and translation issues, stylistic analysis, geographical study and history of science, these contributions question the value (...)
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  27.  28
    La técnica como lugar hermenéutico privilegiado: Ortega y Heidegger.Antonio López Peláez - 1994 - Endoxa 1 (4):179.
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    Prospectiva y cambio social: ¿cómo orientar las políticas de I+D en las sociedades tecnológicas avanzadas?Antonio López Peláez - 2009 - Arbor 185 (738):825-836.
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    Sociedad, técnica y libertad: apuntes para una historia de la técnica.Antonio López Peláez - 1996 - Endoxa 1 (7):279.
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    Los epígrafes en los Escolios de Nicolás Gómez Dávila: hacia una lectura intertextual.Tomás Felipe Molina Peláez - 2019 - Universitas Philosophica 36 (73):235-258.
    Partial commentaries of Gomez Davila’s epigraphs in Scholia to an Implicit Text have been put forward by several scholars. Nevertheless, none of them has yet attempted a systematic study of their meaning and their relation to the rest of the book or the literary sources to which they allude. This article is aimed to present such a systematic analysis, thus revealing two things: first, a number of essential premises of Gómez Dávila’s thought; second, the importance of intertextuality for a thorough (...)
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  31.  13
    discurso de Ratisbona: Del desencuentro a la oportunidad.Rubén García Peláez - 2023 - Isidorianum 32 (2):163-200.
    Aunque el discurso que el Papa Benedicto XVI pronunció en la Universidad de Ratisbona, el 12 de septiembre de 2006, sea recordado por muchos solamente como un desencuentro con el mundo musulmán, constituyó realmente un reto a ahondar en el diálogo entre las dos religiones. En el presente artículo, buscamos presentar las claves del discurso universitario y las, menos conocidas, reacciones intelectuales que suscitó. Sin ningún género de dudas, podemos afirmar que el discurso de Ratisbona es un paradigma del diálogo (...)
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    Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease.María Dolores Peláez-Aguilera, Macarena Espinilla, María Rosa Fernández Olmo & Javier Medina - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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  33. Los orígenes del Historicismo: "También una filosofía de la Historia", de Johann G. Herder.Francisco José Contreras Peláez - 2003 - Estudios Filosóficos 52 (149):107-129.
    También una filosofía de la Historia (1774) representa un hito central, no sólo en el desarrollo del pensamiento de J.G. Herder, sino también en la génesis del historicismo en cuanto Weltanschauung. La visión herderiana de la Historia combina ingredientes extraídos de la ¿teología de la Historia¿ cristiana con otros procedentes de las doctrinas ¿cíclicas¿ de la Antigüedad. Junto a tales elementos heredados, se abre paso un acento relativista estrictamente novedoso: cada cultura, cada pueblo, representa una esfera autocentrada, que sólo puede (...)
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  34.  12
    Mortalidad por causas externas en personas mayores. Tendencias en Argentina, 2000-2014.Enrique Pelaez, Laura Acosta & Florencia Molinatti - 2021 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 26:182-201.
    El problema del maltrato de las personas mayores o del comportamiento negligente hacia ellos ha llevado que sea abordado en diferentes instrumentos de derechos humanos; entre ellos, el Consenso de Montevideo sobre Población y Desarrollo y la Convención Interamericana sobre la Protección de los Derechos Humanos de las Personas Mayores. Teniendo en cuenta este marco jurídico, y como primer paso para abordar la problemática de la mortalidad como consecuencia del maltrato o del comportamiento negligente hacia las personas mayores en nuestro (...)
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    Science, technology and democracy: Perspectives about the complex relation between the scientific community, the scientific journalist and public opinion.Antonio López Peláez & José Antonio Díaz - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (1):55 – 68.
    Scientific-technological innovation (particularly in the field of transgenic foods and cloning), scientific journalism and public opinion all share a complex relationship. The rupture of internal consensus among the scientific community, the role played by scientific journalists as "mediators" and the differentiation between what can be referred to as the "informed public" or "epistemological leaders" and the rest of the population were the starting point for our research on the impact of news related to biotechnological advances. In this paper we will (...)
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    Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2011 - Harvard University Press.
    In this critique, Martha Nussbaum argues that our dominant theories of development have given us policies that ignore our most basic human needs for dignity and self-respect.
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    Reply to Richard Eldridge's' Reading for Life': Martha C. Nussbaum on Philosophy and Literature.Martha Nussbaum - 1992 - Arion 2:198.
  38. Mortal immortals: Lucretius on death and the voice of nature.Martha C. Nussbaum - 1989 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 50 (2):303-351.
  39.  40
    Visual perception and visual awareness after brain damage: A tutorial overview.Martha J. Farah - 1994 - In Carlo Umilta & Morris Moscovitch (eds.), Consciousness and Unconscious Information Processing: Attention and Performance 15. MIT Press. pp. 203--236.
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    The Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision.Martha J. Farah - 2000 - Blackwell.
    The Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision begins by introducing the reader to the anatomy of the eye and visual cortex and then proceeds to discuss image and...
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    Early stages in a sensorimotor transformation.Martha Flanders, Stephen I. Helms Tillery & John F. Soechting - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):309-320.
    We present a model for several early stages of the sensorimotor transformations involved in targeted arm movement. In psychophysical experiments, human subjects pointed to the remembered locations of randomly placed targets in three-dimensional space. They made consistent errors in distance, and from these errors stages in the sensorimotor transformation were deduced. When subjects attempted to move the right index finger to a virtual target they consistently undershot the distance of the more distal targets. Other experiments indicated that the error was (...)
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    La casa.María José Peláez Sierra - 2022 - Argos 9 (23):63-75.
    No hay palabras ni despedidas en la muerte. En este texto-ensamblaje sobre los últimos momentos de una hija con un padre que está muriendo, y que se lleva con él la casa y la piel, se ponen en cuestión los límites entre el relato testimonial y la ficción; entre el recuerdo y el olvido; entre la culpa y el cuidado. Contar, contar y contar, hablar con el muerto, no para revivirlo, sino, precisamente, por la certeza de que ya no existe.
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  43. "Finely Aware and Richly Responsible": Literature and the Moral Imagination.Martha Craven Nussbaum - 1990 - Oxford University Press.
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  44. Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this major book Martha Nussbaum, one of the most innovative and influential philosophical voices of our time, proposes a kind of feminism that is genuinely international, argues for an ethical underpinning to all thought about development planning and public policy, and dramatically moves beyond the abstractions of economists and philosophers to embed thought about justice in the concrete reality of the struggles of poor women. Nussbaum argues that international political and economic thought must be sensitive to gender difference (...)
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  45. Frontiers of justice: disability, nationality, species membership.Martha C. Nussbaum (ed.) - 2006 - Belknap Press.
    Theories of social justice are necessarily abstract, reaching beyond the particular and the immediate to the general and the timeless. Yet such theories, addressing the world and its problems, must respond to the real and changing dilemmas of the day. A brilliant work of practical philosophy, Frontiers of Justice is dedicated to this proposition. Taking up three urgent problems of social justice neglected by current theories and thus harder to tackle in practical terms and everyday life, Martha Nussbaum seeks (...)
  46.  21
    A Science of Hope? Tracing Emergent Entanglements between the Biology of Early Life Adversity, Trauma-informed Care, and Restorative Justice.Martha Kenney & Ruth Müller - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (6):1230-1260.
    The biology of early life adversity explores how social experiences early in life affect physical and psychological health and well-being throughout the life course. In our previous work, we argued that narratives emerging from and about this research field tend to focus on harm and lasting damage with little discussion of reversibility and resilience. However, as the Science and Technology Studies literature has demonstrated, scientific research can be actively taken up and transformed as it moves through social worlds. Drawing on (...)
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  47. Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    Emotions shape the landscape of our mental and social lives. Like geological upheavals in a landscape, they mark our lives as uneven, uncertain and prone to reversal. Are they simply, as some have claimed, animal energies or impulses with no connection to our thoughts? Or are they rather suffused with intelligence and discernment, and thus a source of deep awareness and understanding? In this compelling book, Martha C. Nussbaum presents a powerful argument for treating emotions not as alien forces (...)
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  48. Visual Agnosia: Disorders of Object Recognition and What They Tell Us About Normal Vision.Martha J. Farah - 1990 - MIT Press.
    Visual Agnosia is a comprehensive and up-to-date review of disorders of higher vision that relates these disorders to current conceptions of higher vision from cognitive science, illuminating both the neuropsychological disorders and the nature of normal visual object recognition.Brain damage can lead to selective problems with visual perception, including visual agnosia the inability to recognize objects even though elementary visual functions remain unimpaired. Such disorders are relatively rare, yet they provide a window onto how the normal brain might accomplish the (...)
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  49.  15
    Extending Political Liberalism: A Selection From Rawls's Political Liberalism, Edited by Thom Brooks and Martha C. Nussbaum.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Widely hailed as one of the most significant works in modern political philosophy, John Rawls's _Political Liberalism_ defended a powerful vision of society that respects reasonable ways of life, both religious and secular. These core values have never been more critical as anxiety grows over political and religious difference and new restrictions are placed on peaceful protest and individual expression. In her introduction to the volume, Martha Nussbaum discusses the main themes of _Political Liberalism _and puts them into the (...)
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  50. Intervista a Martha Nussbaum.Martha Nussbaum & Olga Rachello - 2011 - Philosophical News 3.
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